Local 445Political Action
Local 445 received a visit from President Joe Biden on April 16, 2024

President Joe Biden gives remarks at an organizing training event at the Carpenters 455 Local Union Hall on April 16, 2024 in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Local 445 received a visit from then Presidential Candidate Joe Biden on Election Day
Secretary of Labor Marty Flynn visits Local 445

Josh Shapiro for PA Governor Bus Tour Visits with Local 445 Members

Find Your Representative
Targeted Issues
- Prevailing Wage: Ten Compelling Reasons — www.greaterpacarpenters.org/documents/10CompellingReasons.swf
- Misclassified Workers — www.carpenters.org
- Globalization How Carpenters are being Hurt — www.carpenters.org
Writing Letters For Action
Keep sending mail to Congress! Your Representative and Senators can only represent you if you keep them informed on your views. Here are some tips to help you write an effective letter.
1. Address it Properly
Contacting Members of the United States House of Representatives (Congress)
Should be addressed as:
The Honorable Matt Cartwright
United States House of Representatives
The Proper Salutation is:
Dear Congressman Cartwright
Contacting Members of the United States Senate
Should be addressed as:
The Honorable Robert P. Casey
United States Senator
The Proper Salutation is:
Dear Senator Casey
Contacting Members of the State General Assembly
Should be addressed as:
Representative or Senator
The Proper Salutation is:
Dear Representative or Dear Senator
Contacting Local Officials
Write them care of their city, town or county government address which can be found in your phone book or online.
2. Identify Yourself
Be sure to mention the state, congressional or legislative district, city or county in which you are a voter. Mention your local union affiliation as well.
3. Be Specific
When writing about legislation, use the bill number or the title if you know them. If not, briefly describe the issue that concerns you.
4. Be Timely
Write when the issue is current, not after a key vote has been taken.
5. Explain Your Position
As a worker, taxpayer, or a consumer, say in your own words how the bill or amendment will affect you. Don’t forget that a bill can change as it moves through the legislative process. So, urge our legislator to oppose crippling amendments or support strengthening ones.
6. Ask for a Response
Urge your legislator to take action-support or oppose a bill, co-sponsor an amendment or whatever action you would like taken. Request (don’t demand) a reply to your letter. This information will be helpful to the lobbying efforts of your local or international union, central labor council and state or national AFL-CIO.
Write it and Mail it!
Once you have taken the time to write a letter, don’t forget to mail it right away. Remember, the timeliness of you communication is as important as what you have written.